Johan Möller new head of Patented Solutions at ESSVE
Wes is proud to have been a partner to ESSVE in the recruitment of Johan Möller, new head ESSVE Patented Solutions. This is a new business area which aims to develop patented construction solutions with the goal to deliver complete and sustainable solutions with a focus on efficiency to the construction sector in collaboration with partners.
Johan has an extensive background as a management consultant at Volvo and has driven business development for international companies both in Sweden and Asia.
— My focus is to develop and expand licensing deals within ESSVE Patented Solutions. We aim to help our partners offer their customers innovative and sustainable solutions that streamline the construction process. Together with my experienced colleagues, I look forward to expanding our markets and ensuring we deliver great solutions to the right partners," says Johan.
ESSVE is one of Europe´s leading fastening companies. Since 1970, ESSVE has introduced products that have quickly become essentials in the professional user's toolbox which has given us a leading position in Europe.
Warm congratulations from the team at Wes. We wish Johan and ESSVE all the best for a successful future ahead and we thank everyone involved for a great collaboration.
Wes är ett chefsrekryteringsföretag med fokus på mångfald. Wes erbjuder Executive Search och är specialister på att rekrytera ledare – till styrelser, ledningar och andra seniora nyckelroller. Genom att erbjuda ledarskap och strategi rådgivning inom våra expertområden, kompetensförsörjning, mångfald och inkluderande ledarskap, hjälper vi företag att bygga professionella, nytänkande och diversifierade ledningar och styrelser. Wes vision är ett inkluderande och diversifierat näringsliv där allas kompetens bidrar till att bygga en hållbar framtid. Kontakta oss om vi kan hjälpa er!
Wes specializes in management, executive, and board recruitments – with a special focus on diversity and inclusion. We also offer a range of other services. Contact us to learn more.