Rekryteringsbolag i Stockholm

Wes is proud to have been a partner to Bright Energy AB in the recruitment of a new CEO, Pontus Winberg, and a new CFO, Gabriella Anderson.

Pontus Winberg takes over leadership from founder David Forsberg, who will continue his involvement within the company. Pontus Winberg brings extensive experience in the energy industry. He has previously served as CEO of the electricity company GodEl and held leading positions in fast-growing, international growth companies within electrification and AI software.

Gabriella Anderson has a background in finance and business development from leading SaaS companies and experience from both operational and strategic perspectives. Gabriella will take a key role in strengthening Bright's financial strategy and will be part of the company's management.

Bright is one of the Nordic region’s leading providers of digital white-label solutions for energy companies aimed at enhancing their presence and customer experience. With a passion for innovation and strong customer orientation, Bright strives to be a future-proof partner providing market-leading solutions based on customer needs.

Warm congratulations from the team at Wes. We wish Pontus, Gabriella, and Bright all the best for a successful future ahead and we thank everyone involved for a great collaboration.

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Wes är ett chefsrekryteringsföretag med fokus på mångfald. Wes erbjuder Executive Search och är specialister på att rekrytera ledare – till styrelser, ledningar och andra seniora nyckelroller. Genom att erbjuda ledarskap och strategi rådgivning inom våra expertområden, kompetensförsörjning, mångfald och inkluderande ledarskap, hjälper vi företag att bygga professionella, nytänkande och diversifierade ledningar och styrelser. Wes vision är ett inkluderande och diversifierat näringsliv där allas kompetens bidrar till att bygga en hållbar framtid. Kontakta oss om vi kan hjälpa er!

Wes specializes in management, executive, and board recruitments – with a special focus on diversity and inclusion. We also offer a range of other servicesContact us to learn more.